Thursday, September 1, 2016

5 Ways to Prevent Salmonella Poisoning Bacteria

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 19,000 people were hospitalized each year due to salmonella contamination in the daily diet. Salmonella affects the intestinal tract and can cause serious problems, such as diarrheal dehydration.

The only way to diagnose salmonella poisoning is through a blood test or stool. You are required to go to the doctor for tests if you have symptoms:

- Diarrhea 4 days in a row.
- Abdominal pain is excessive.
- Fever with nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms usually last for five to seven days, even so, when symptoms do not abate until day 4 or 5, we recommend you go to the doctor. To prevent serious illnesses, make sure you stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.

Babies, adults over 65, and people with weakened immune systems are more likely to develop salmonella poisoning becomes more serious disease with more severe symptoms.

To avoid becoming infected with salmonella, there are some precautions you can take everyday.

1. Thoroughly wash your hands with soap after:
- Use the bathroom.
- Changing diapers.
- Cut meat or poultry.
- Cleaning pet droppings.
- Touching reptiles or birds.

2. Keep meat, poultry and seafood separate from other foods. Good storage until processing.

3. Use separate cutting boards for meat and vegetables.

4. Keep cooked food from contaminated surfaces, such as cutting board for meat cutting.

5. Avoid eating raw unpasteurized, such as soft-boiled eggs or fresh milk. For fresh vegetables that will be used as a salad, be sure to clean it properly and cut on a separate cutting board with a cutting board meat or poultry.

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