Sunday, September 4, 2016

Know the type of Healthy Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates during this time include the nutrients are avoided by those who want to lose weight. In fact, carbohydrates do not need an enemy, as long as the right kind.

Carbohydrates consist of two types, namely simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are a source of quick energy processed body, so it can also raise blood sugar levels quickly after consumption.

Examples of simple carbohydrates include white rice, white bread, sugar, chicken porridge, corn syrup, cake, biscuits, honey, and so on.

"Consumption of carbohydrates in excess of this type can lead to obesity is the forerunner to the onset of diabetes," said Seala Septiani, nutritionists, in a media gathering entitled "Prevent diabetes with diet Carbohydrates" held by Soyjoy in Jakarta (29.08.16 ).

Including healthy carbohydrates that are complex carbohydrates. "This one type of carbohydrate that is richer in fiber, vitamins, and minerals," he said.

Because the molecule is more complex, is not fast carbohydrates cause blood sugar levels rapidly rising or have a low glycemic index. Another advantage is filling the stomach.

Types of complex carbohydrates include oatmeal, whole wheat products, corn, brown rice, beans, sweet potatoes, bananas are not overly ripe, fruit, vegetables, and potatoes.

Complex carbohydrates can also be a selection of healthy snacks in between meals.

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