Thursday, February 14, 2013

Don't Gratuitous consumption of antibiotics, this impact is

Clinical microbiologists from the University of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Usman C Warsa Phd SP MK (K) warned the public not to consume antibiotics carelessly.

"Ideally antibiotics in case of infection caused by bacteria or fungi. If only ordinary heat or cold antibiotics was wrong," Usman said in a press conference "8th National Symposium of Antimicrobial Resistance Watch Indonesia" in Jakarta on Thursday.

According to Professor of Clinical Microbiology Faculty of medicine-RSCM, if hot laboratory tests should be performed first to determine the cause of the heat.

"If overseas has been like that. Insurers will not pay if no laboratory examination first," he explained.

But in Indonesia has not reached the stage of the case. Medical personnel such as doctors easily prescribe antibiotics to patients in order to quickly dissipate the heat or infection.

"Indeed, if given antibiotics, the heat will be reduced. However should also keep in mind that improper use of antibiotics is not necessarily beneficial and cause bacteria to become resistant," the former president of the UI.

Should the doctor, he continued, giving antibiotics appropriately, rational, and should include empirical data.

Likewise, the hospital must provide the antibiotics according to the survey.

"Patients should also be critical if the doctor prescribed antibiotics. Ask the doctors, would need to be given antibiotics?"

He said the fact doctors are also taught about the manner of the use of antibiotics. But unfortunately many doctors who do not want to "think" about the illness and direct patients given antibiotics.

Looking ahead, he said, there needs to be penalties for doctors not carelessly give antibiotics. So also the pharmacies to sell prescription antibiotics match.

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