Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tomato juice Overcome Fatigue After Sports

  When your muscles feel sore after a grueling session at the gym,
what do you do? Are mengompresnya with cold water or drinking energy drinks?

Apparently, there is a simpler way. Studies of the General Chemical State Laboratory in Greece revealed that tomato juice was better to help restore tired muscles after exercise. Because tomatoes provide important compounds, namely lycopene, which is believed to assist in the recovery of muscle and blood sugar levels return to normal after being stretched.

During the two-month trial of 15 athletes performed various health institutions in Greece to observe their vital signs before, after, and during exercise. Nine of the 15 athletes drinking tomato juice after training, and six others to consume energy drinks.

Apparently, those who chose tomato juice to feel their muscles recover faster. Their blood sugar levels also returned to normal more quickly after strenuous exercise. Levels of harmful enzymes and proteins, which cause damage to the muscles and brain, also returned to normal more quickly.

Lycopene is a compound known as a giver for the red color in tomatoes and some other fruits like papaya, watermelon, guava and red. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant containing high employment, which is known to fight cancer, heart disease, and several other diseases. That's why a lot of people applying for extending the life of the Mediterranean diet.

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