Sunday, February 17, 2013

Four Key Healthy Eating

Having a healthy diet so the challenge for modern society in today's fast-paced. Quite often, the demands of work make us choose fast food as a way out.

No one did, but it would be better if we eat healthy foods.

Nutritionists MRCCC Siloam Hospital Semanggi, Dr. Samuel Oetoro, MS, SpGK, explained there are four key healthy eating, there are, namely the number, types, schedules, and cooking tricks.

'Number', Samuel said, referring to the amount of food consumed should be in accordance with the needs of the body, should not be more or less.

For 'A' is the second or kind, said Samuel is the type of food consumed should be varied and rich in nutrients.

"Must contain a proper balanced nutrition for the body. Should no carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins and minerals," said Samuel.

Meanwhile, the feeding schedule should also be considered. Feeding schedule should be done three large meals, except in certain circumstances such as in patients with diabetes and stomach disorders.

The key to the latter is the moment to cook. According to Samuel, not only the type of food that became the core of a healthy diet, but the procedure of cooking and food processing also has an important role.

"The food is cooked not too ripe, not too much salt especially MSG, sugar or processed foods. This will reduce sound levels in food," said Samuel.

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