Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Late Lunch fact Make Difficult Slim

Eating schedule, regardless of what menu you eat, it can affect weight loss. A recent study indicates that late lunch schedules can complicate weight loss program.
In his research, the experts involved 420 obese women who are following a weight loss program. The monitoring revealed that women who ate lunch late, ie after at 15.00, a decrease of 25 percent less weight over the next 20 weeks than women who were not late for lunch.
The researchers found no difference even though both groups of women are not distinguished in diasup calories, physical activity, hormone regulating appetite, sleep duration, and all other factors that play a role in weight loss.
The findings are consistent with previous studies that say that mealtime schedules or affect our weight. Experiments on mice that were released to eat anything that is not limited in time gained weight more than other mice that eat limited time. Although both mengasup same number of calories.

The study, published in the International Journal of Obesity was also indicated that eating late could possibly interfere with your weight loss program.
However, the researchers noted that this study only found a link between the two, not a causal relationship. They affirmed the need for further research to confirm this study.
"What is the mechanism feeding schedule affects weight gain regardless of the number of calories is not known," said researcher Frank Scheer of Brigham and Woman's Hospital in Boston, USA. However, previous studies in animals suggest that eating schedule can affect metabolism.
According to him, every organ has a "biological clock" respectively. Eating foods that do not fit in can lead to "time" is not in sync with "clock main body" regulated by the brain. This is what can affect the body uses and stores energy.

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