Sunday, February 24, 2013

Give Kids Diarrhea Drink Right Now

In the group of children aged 1-4 years, diarrhea is the leading cause of death. Dehydration due to repeatedly urinate, sometimes accompanied by vomiting will cause disruption of the body's electrolyte balance. Prevent dehydration by giving enough fluids must be considered.
Best drinks to replace lost fluids is an oral rehydration solution (ORS). CRO is a fluid that contains electrolytes are sodium, potassium, and chloride channels can replace lost fluids effectively. Besides these drinks also contain glucose in an amount not excessively so relatively low osmolarity. Examples of the CRO is oralit.
"But avoid electrolyte drinks istonik because the content is not appropriate for diarrhea, making it the most effective is the CRO. Fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health has recommended that," said the child's digestive specialists Muzal Kadim at the seminar entitled "The Importance of Body Fluids Sufficiency Diarrhea in Children "held the Pocari Sweat, Saturday (23/02/2013) in Jakarta.

Muzal explained, when diarrhea the body loses a lot of ions such as sodium, potassium, chloride, zinc and other minerals, and have not been able to replace isotonic drinks. "Isotonic Drink more appropriate given the current state of the body in good health but need a replacement fluid, such as after exercising or sweating," said Muzal.
Composition of ORS, said Muzal, existing standards of WHO containing sodium 75 mEq / L, potassium 20 mEq / L, chloride 65 mEq / L as well as some other ingredients such as glucose, citric acid, and the concentration of osmolarity 245 mmol / L. "Osmolarity is important because it determines the ease absorbed by the body," said Muzal.
So far, there are many parents who do not understand the importance of choosing the right fluids to prevent dehydration. In addition to isotonic drinks, which should not be given fruit juice and beverages are other sweet. "Fruit juice has a high osmolarity that is poorly absorbed by the body, as well as sugary drinks," he said.

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