Sunday, December 27, 2015

7 Mandatory Nutrition for Health and Male Fertility

Men, you certainly want to be healthy and feel powerful. The desire was reasonable and not impossible to achieve. Consumption of only seven of the following nutrients and feel the benefits.
SeleniumSelenium is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce or prevent hair loss in men. In addition, it can improve fertility and sperm health.
Selenium is also good for lowering bad cholesterol and prevent blood clots. Selenium is found in nuts and seeds. Eating a handful of nuts boiled three times a week, and you will feel the benefits.

Vitamin BVitamin B is important for overall health and may help to alleviate depression, maintain the health of nerves and increases energy.
Folate (vitamin B9) may help maintain healthy sperm, while biotin (vitamin B7) can help overcome baldness. Good sources of vitamin B grains, nuts and green leafy vegetables.

ZincZinc or zinc is essential for male fertility and sexual health. These minerals not only helps maintain healthy testosterone levels and improve libido, but is also essential for healthy sperm production. Source of food containing zinc are oysters, pumpkin seeds and shells.
Omega-3 Fatty AcidsOmega-3 fatty acid is one of the nutrients with many functions and can help resolve many health complaints. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce levels of bad cholesterol and may also reduce the risk of many diseases, including heart disease and depression. One of the best sources of omega-3 is a marine fish such as tuna and tuna.

Vitamin DBesides useful for maintaining bone health, vitamin D also may help prevent mental disorders and heart disease. In fact, studies say, this vitamin can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
In addition, vitamin D was allegedly able to increase sex drive by increasing testosterone levels.
One hour basking in the morning brought sunshine can increase men's testosterone levels as much as 69 percent. Good source of vitamin D among them are fish oil and egg yolks.

LycopeneLycopene is a type of carotenoid that gives the red color in tomatoes and carrots. Lycopene may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease, the two leading causes of death in men.
The research also showed that men who frequently eat foods rich in lycopene, reduced risk of prostate cancer. Even touted, lycopene may slow the growth and kill prostate cancer cells.
MagnesiumMagnesium is a key to heart health and muscle, to help cope with stress so that you can sleep better. Magnesium deficiency can cause insomnia, anxiety and high blood pressure.Magnesium is also important for maintaining energy levels and help the physical performance during exercise. Rich food sources of magnesium are green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds.

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