Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Snacking Avocado Myriad Prevent Deadly Diseases

Eating an avocado every day with any preparations can cut any risk of health problems. Anything?
Reported Boldsky, Wednesday (12/23/2015), here are five important benefits of avocado you must know. Let's refer!

Keep blood pressure levels
Potassium is a nutrient that is very rarely noticed someone. In the avocado, the amount of these substances is higher than bananas. Its positive impact is that you can maintain the body's blood pressure levels, so as not to easily fall ill.
Reduce blood sugar spikes
Avocado is also known to contain high in fiber. The benefits contribute to slimming and reduce blood sugar spikes blood ..
Lowering Cholesterol
Eat avocados regularly can help reduce cholesterol levels dramatically. It also reduces blood triglycerides which can lower bad cholesterol (LDL).

Avoid kidney damage
Oleic acid and antioxidants present in fruits avocado, an ideal choice to avoid kidney-related problems. Therefore, avocado into the list of healthy fruit.
Avocados contain lutein and zeaxanthin. This natural substance helps reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. It is important for a person over the age of 35 years shall avocado consumption, in order to maintain a healthy quality of life.

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