Sunday, December 27, 2015

Swamp Cabbage Crop Eating Bad Cholesterol

No harm, this weekend you cook sautéed kale for the family at home. Because the benefits are very good to cut the risk of diseases that are vulnerable to attack during the rainy season.
Quoted Wellbody, Saturday (12/26/2015), here is a review of vegetable kale benefit both you must know.

Crop cholesterol
A study proves, somebody who eat vegetables kale can help lower cholesterol. This is a good move you to prevent heart attacks and strokes is not contagious disease that affects many modern people.
Good for eyes
Kale are good sources of vitamin A and beta-carotene. As is known, the benefits of these nutrients are needed for the health of our eyes.

Strengthen the immune system
Because it is rich in vitamin C, green vegetables can also strengthen the immune system. Especially during the rainy season like now, spinach is a vegetable magic for the body.

Treating ringworm
Apparently, vegetable kale contains antihelminitic. A natural substance that can help a person treat skin ringworm suffered.

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