Tuesday, December 1, 2015

5 Things You Prevent Aging

Every human being must be old. Whether sooner or later, the effects of aging slowly emerge in everyone.

However, that does not mean aging can not be prevented altogether. Health experts Anna Magee said, there are some things you can do to avoid the effects of aging that make unattractive appearance.

Apply a Healthy Lifestyle
You can start a healthy lifestyle by eating lots of vegetables. Reducing meat in the diet is believed to help the development of telomeres, a protective body near the chromosomes that prevent aging.

Additionally, rutinlah doing yoga. With this sport, you're more likely to feel relaxed and detached from the everyday problems that is stressful.

Exercise 3 times a week
Not only yoga, various other sport proved capable of making good sweat to keep you from the effects of aging. Tim Spector, a professor at King's College London said, do at least three times a week.

By doing so at the time, the effects of aging can be slowed more leverage. In addition, research from the American Journal of Physiology is also known to run for 30 minutes on a treadmill three times a week also helps muscles spared from the effects of aging.

Consumption of Tomato Sauce
In a study by Professor Mark Birch Machin and his team from Newcastle University, found that eating five tablespoons of tomato sauce can boost natural collagen production in the skin. In fact, the content in it can protect the skin from the sun only in just five weeks.

Choose the material processed tomato products is basically clear. Among these are tomato sauce and tomato paste.

Choose fatty foods Healthy
Not all fats are bad for health. A lot of good fats are needed in the human body.

Healthy fats usually terkadung in fruits, such as avocados and nuts, such as almonds, cashews, and peanuts. Meanwhile, the bad fats are usually present in processed meat products, packaged cakes, and biscuits.

Sprinkle Cinnamon in Cereals
In a study conducted Diabetes Care, cinnamon spice proved to be capable to control blood sugar. At least, by consuming a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon a day, you can control the desire to eat sweet foods.

In fact, the ingredients in cinnamon can help fight substance unhealthy foods that cause penuaan.Taburilah cinnamon in your cereal or consumption in a way that you like in the morning, quoted by the Daily Mail.

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