Sunday, December 13, 2015

Benefits of Eating Fruits Pears This Every Day

Good news for those of you who like to eat a pear. Especially for those who want to slim. Research shows a pear can maintain their ideal body weight.

Research conducted Louisiana State University showed that people who like to eat pears 35 percent less likely to become obese than those who do not eat pears. In fact, researchers found eating fresh pears help lower cardiovascular disease risk factors.

Based on the survey of the National Health and Nutrition Examination, people who consume a pear has a lower weight than those who did not eat pears. In addition, they usually do not smoke and do not drink alcohol or less than those who do not eat pears. The study involved 24 808 participants over the age of 19 years.

These benefits are obtained because of pears dense nutrient, which is rich in vitamin C and fiber. In one pear also contains a 24 percent recommendation of fiber that your body needs. Pears are also free of fat, cholesterol, and sodium.

Fiber is very important in daily food consumption. The presence of fibers can aid digestion and make people feel full longer. By doing so, eat pears can prevent the desire to eat more so that helps in weight loss.

According to research published in the Journal of Nutrition and Food Science, long-term benefits of high fiber consumption as fresh pear regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and cancer.

By keeping the body weight or obesity, of course, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, there are still a few people who regular consumption of pears on a regular basis.

During this time, people considered more familiar with apples than pears. Researchers also encourage eating fresh pears included in the daily diet.

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