Monday, January 21, 2013

Fast Food Kids endanger health

Warning for parents who like to give their children fast food. The researchers reported fast food contains high levels of acid and trans fats that can affect the immune system.

Ingredients that make fast food may increase the risk of severe asthma, eczema, and watery eyes in children. The risk would be borne by the children who ate fast food several times a week.

The researchers studied more than 500 thousand children in more than 50 countries that have poor diet, mainly because of fast food like burgers.

The study showed the kids in their early teens who eat three or more servings of fast food in a week, have an increased risk of severe asthma 39 percent. Meanwhile, children aged six and seven years old, have an increased risk of 27 percent.

Researchers also emphasizes eating fruits rich in antioxidants and other compounds can protect disease. Eating three or more servings of fruit a week are proven to reduce the risk of asthma and eczema between 11-14 per cent.

In some cases, certain foods such as milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, yeast products, nuts can cause asthma symptoms. People with asthma are also not recommended for special diets.

"Evidence shows that vitamins and antioxidants found in fresh fruits and vegetables have the effect of reducing asthma," said Rahman Malayka researchers from institutions such as Asthma UK told Press TV on Monday (21/1).

Foods are healthy and balanced diet, including five portions of fruit or vegetables every day, fish lenih than twice a week, and foods such as beans and peas more than once a week, it would be beneficial for asthmatics.

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