Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Walking 15 Minutes Reduce Risk of Early Death of Elderly

A walk four times a week can reduce the risk of premature death in elderly people by 40 percent. Each outing was enough to do for 15 minutes in the open air.
Researchers in Italy found that those who walked for 15 minutes to have the opportunity longevity. Retirees who walk around longer lifespan than 40 percent of those who did not.
The study was conducted over 10 years. Medical experts monitoring 200 people in nursing homes. Their average age of about 80 years, and all aspects of health such as lifestyle, health, until their habits were recorded.

The measured health conditions including mental state, diet, weight, smoking and drinking coffee, and level of depression. The researchers also examined whether they have cancer or other diseases.
As the Daily Mail wrote, about 80 percent of researchers are active in their healthcare organization based in Rome. Over the past decade, two of the three people who died studied. The researchers also noticed a difference from the dead and the living.
"Life expectancy those who walk in the open air four times a week for at least 15 min was higher than those who walked less than four times a week," wrote the research report.
Walking is an easy exercise for the elderly. It also has an effect on heart disease, stroke, and other diseases that lead to premature death.
Open air and exercise can improve the efficiency of the immune system to ward off viruses, strengthen bones, and reduce obesity. It can also improve physical health may reduce the risk of injury from falls. Those runs were also more likely to eat healthier and tend to decrease depression.
In previous research, a quick walk to prolong life. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh examined 36 thousand people over the age of 65 years.
Researchers found those who walked more slowly have a higher risk of death. Meanwhile, those who walk faster live longer than expected.

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