Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Make dining Brain Aging

Be more intelligently without having to go back to school. Oho! Of course it is possible, as long as you are actively sharpen the brain and, adding these five foods into your daily menu. What the hell? Here are five foods are easily available around the suggestion by Real Age
1. Eggs. Why? Selenium content of eggs is one of the substances in both the favorite breakfast foods. Make sure you get enough of these elements, and your brain will have a performance as good as they were 10 years younger.
Always keep to mengasup 55 micrograms of selenium per day. Eggs have 14 micrograms in every point, so you still need to add another through food, such as whole-wheat bread.
2. Spinach, Kailan and other green leaves. Green vegetables are very welcoming and friendly to the brain because of the flavonoid in dark green warnah. Flavonoids proven to make your brain work as young people - minus the embarrassing dating experience! Serve more in your plate every day and they will help slow mental decline due to aging even up to 40 percent.

3. Blueberries. The specialty of this cute fruit is a compound that can help you protect the two processes mempertua your brain cells, a process that has nothing to do with Alzheimer's. Both the process called inflammation and oxidation. So Blueberries are one fruit high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory
4. Walnuts and fish. Said omega-3 and appears increasingly heard everywhere as one of the elements required by the good performance of the brain. For those of you who love the omega three, do not be tired of relying on fish and walnuts. Active ingredients of omega-3 which makes the performance steadily growing brain is DHA. You can still get it from supplements containing DHA. It should be noted, 600 milligrams per day is ideal to repair gray cells in your head.
5. Turmeric. Why? Spice this one helps activate genes that can make your mind clearing rubbish. All you need about 17 milligrams of turmeric per day. It was able to help improve inflammation potentially destroy your brain cells.

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