Thursday, January 31, 2013

What are the Determinants of Children's Intelligence?

Every parent would want to have an intelligent and healthy children. Providing optimal nutrition is one way. But exactly what are the factors that affect children's intelligence?
A nutritionist from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Saptawati Bardosono said, there are many factors that affect a child's intelligence including nutrition. "It's no secret, good nutrition is the key to the child's intelligence. Yet that's not the only one," he said on the sidelines of Dancow Parenting Centre on Thursday (01/31/2013) in Jakarta.
In general, he added, there are two factors that affect children's intelligence in general the internal and external factors. Internal factors are genetic, while the external factors are the environment, includes nutrition, stimulation, physical activity, and health maintenance efforts.

"That's why there are children who may lack good nutrition but still smart," said the doctor with Tati's familiar greeting.
He explained that, although the two factors were equally influential, but internal factors that genetic factors have a relatively small contribution is only about 5 percent. While the factors that played a major role eksternallah around 95 percent.
"So it is not impossible that their parents are less intelligent, but his son was smart," he said.
Questioning the phrase, "if you want a smart child, her mother also have to be smart", Saptawati say it is true. Therefore, the body of a woman was the child's "deposited" in the womb. However, that does not mean the father has no role in shaping infant intelligence. "You can make a healthy and intelligent children were not separated from the role of fathers who take care of her during pregnancy. And of course take care of the child when the child is born," he explained.
Intelligence of children, said Saptawati, also rely heavily on the first 1,000 days of life, in the time in the womb until the age of five. Therefore, to form a bright child, the need for a persiapanan from parents since the beginning of planning a pregnancy, he said.

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