Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Careful, This Dangers Frequency of Drinking Antibiotics

 When we checked into the hospital and the doctor, is usually often given antibiotics. This type of drug is believed to be effective against the disease. Therefore, people often eat them, either by prescription or not. Though mengon state consumption of antibiotics should not be arbitrary.
Like all medicines, antibiotics have side effects. Therefore, clinical pathology specialist said FKUIRSCM, Tonny Loho, they should be right and wise.
For example, a gift to the lungs. When taken antibiotics will pass through the intestine. The result will have an effect on the intestinal flora. Maybe flora in the gut come off and become immune. Flora was the body of a colony and will certainly have an effect on the wearer's body. "There are times when antibiotics should be given or not. It depends on the lab results. Giving antibiotics too often will make the bacteria resistant. Each also has a specification of antibiotics, "he said.

According to Tony, antibiotics are a class of natural and synthetic compounds that affect suppress or stop biochemical processes in the organism. In particular the process of infection by bacteria. This mechanism allows effective treatment of the disease. As a result, the public and doctors accustomed to using this drug. Though antibiotics are not effective in treating diseases caused by viruses, fungi, and other nonbakteri.
Antibiotics may be given if there are signs of bacterial infection. Symptoms include pain, swelling, redness, or pain when the site of infection around the joint. This drug should not be given when that arises is inflammation (inflammation), allergies, or due to virus such as dengue fever.
Antibiotics also do not need to be, when lab results showed normal flora, such Esterichia nonpatogen coli in the stool. Foresight physician at the time of administration of antibiotics is crucial. "The lab supports the foresight of its observations during the inspection. A doctor should be able to distinguish between symptoms due to bacterial or not, "said Tony.
Especially for fever, he advised, should be accompanied by lab results to see white blood cell counts. Lab tests can be conducted at four locations: in urine, sputum, blood, and feces. Antibiotics can not be given if the side effects are too severe arise.
Tony pointed out, the type quinolone should not be given to pregnant women, breastfeeding, infants, and children. In pregnant women drug will inhibit the formation of the cell nucleus, especially in the first two weeks of pregnancy.
As a result, the child would be born handicapped. Quinolone also inhibits the formation of (epiphysis) of bone in lactating women, infants and children. As a result, children become shorter, whereas in women breastfeeding lurking threat of osteoporosis.
The drug is also not allowed if there are other options that are less toxic. "Pen kidney pain and impaired auditory nerve, should not consume antibiotics aminoglycosida type. Kind, including gentamicin and amikacin. These antibiotics are toxic to the kidneys that are not allowed for kidney patients, "said Tony.

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