Monday, April 22, 2013

Benefits of Watermelon Fruit

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is widely grown in the area near the beach in Bantul and Kulon Progo, in addition contains a lot of water, it is red it has many nutrients and contains many substances that can prevent a variety of diseases.

Has been investigated by the American Journal of Hipertention that watermelon can dilate blood vessels which makes the performance of the heart becomes lighter when blood spreading in the body.

In the watermelon and lycopene are antioxidants that help prevent strokes and free radicals, and can lower bad cholesterol that lead to strokes and heart. Lycopene is found in watermelon with the same kind found in raw tomatoes. A cup of watermelon contains lycopene which contained two equal-sized tomatoes.

Watermelon is also rich in vitamin A and beta carotene, vitamin C, Lutein and Zeaxanthin are useful as a means of maximizing health eye protection eyes.

Tips choosing and eating a watermelon:

  1. Tap the outside of the watermelon and notice the sound issued. If terdengan contains, then chances are good watermelon is a watermelon.
  2. Resistant watermelon 7-10 days at room temperature. When cut watermelon, cover the opening with plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator.
  3. Avoid watermelons that are still raw because it tastes slightly acidic.
  4. When eating watermelon white or light green parts near the skin is the most important part that must be undamaged, in addition to the red.

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