Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dish "Western Style" Causes Early Death

If you want to be healthy, do not often eat western style dishes. A diet rich in sugar and salt, such as french fries, hamburger and cola drinks, is one example of western style dishes.

This western-style dishes also have the fat content and high calories. In hamburger weighing 105 grams, for example, there are about 426 calories. Thus, it is conceivable when the junk food craze you will likely to suffer from degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, or stroke.

A study of thousands of British men and women prove, western style dishes can lead to physical and cognitive decline. The study also found that western style food style make people more quickly age and die more quickly.

"We want to compare the aging of the SMEs Alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI) and, after the age of 16 years," said Tasnime Akbaraly, researchers from the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London.

The research lasted 16 years was followed 5,350 men and women, with an average age of 51 years. Every five years, the researchers collected data on the respondents, including eating habits, hospital records, and death.

The research team divided the research data into five categories. The first category are those who have an ideal aging by 4 percent. Respondents in this category free of chronic disease and look good physically, mentally, and cognitively. The next category is nonfatal cardiovascular disease by 12.7 per cent, died of cardiovascular disease received 2.8 percent share, nonkardiovaskular died of disease at 7.3 percent, and 73.2 percent of normal aging.

Concluded from this study, respondents who did not carry out AHEI greater chance of suffering from cardiovascular disease and nonkardiovaskular. While the western style dishes regularly consume less likely to experience an ideal aging.

"Following a specific diet advice like AHEI increase the chances to stay healthy and free of chronic disease at an advanced age," said Akbaraly.

AHEI is a diet that was introduced at Harvard Medical School. This pattern requires half a dinner plate filled with vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy consumption, calculate the amount of salt intake, and diligent in drinking water. This healthy diet will reduce the intake of fat, cholesterol, and salt into the body. As a result, fat, cholesterol, and salt is not hamper blood flow in the vessels that the main cause of high blood pressure disease and other degenerative diseases.

Sources:Medical daily

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