Monday, April 15, 2013

Hooked Snacking But Remain Slim

People who are maintaining their weight usually directly hostile to snack. In fact, do not be afraid to snack. If you choose healthy food with portion controlled snack actually helps control hunger between meals. Most people overeat because even very empty stomach at mealtimes.
According to Deborah Beauvais, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, there are some things that can be used signs that cravings do not damage the program has an ideal body weight. Besides snacking at the right time, kind of snacks should also be considered. Snack fried or high-fat foods should certainly be avoided. Check out other tips so you do not feel "guilty" for snacking.

1. Hooked in when you're really hungry. Do not let boredom or frustration "beat" you to eat. Conversely, if the feeling comes, perbanyaklah physical activity such as walking and even meet a friend.
2. Practice portion control. Twenty-eight grams of raw almonds (about 23 grains) has 160 calories and is suitable to support your healthy eating plan. But if you eat excessively, these healthy snacks will actually make you excess calories.
3. Think small. Do not think big packet of chocolate cake can only satisfy your snack cravings. Research has shown that eating small portions even been able to satisfy you.
4. Do not get stuck on the words "fat free" and "no sugar". Fat-free, said Beauvais interpreted with low calories. However there are some products that attach the label, when compared with the apparently normal product difference is not too far away. Beauvais then suggested, in order to more carefully select products.
5. Plan time snacking. You will be less tempted to snack sweet in sight when you have to bring their own healthy snacks.
6. Schedule time snacking. Snacking in between meals, proven to prevent overeating at main meal times so that helps keep the weight off.
So, do not be afraid to snack again, right?

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