Thursday, April 18, 2013

Younger Thanks to "Strength Training"

Strength training or strength training is exercise that uses force and opposite to gravity. Strength training in general use such as load, body mass or machine aimed at triggering muscle contraction. As a result, strength training can build muscle, increase strength, maintain, and improve muscle tissue.
This exercise usually consists of several training sessions and requires rigorous training. This exercise is very useful and make sure the body gets the desired power level without any possibility of injury. There is a type of exercise that may involve heavy equipment and may be somewhat difficult to do. When running this exercise, you should be guided by an expert trainer or instructor. Using their own ideas during strength training may even cause problems.
Strength training is an integral part of a balanced exercise regime. This exercise is recommended for all genders of children to old age. Besides being able to build muscle, strength training also apparently has other benefits for the body. Consider the other benefits of this exercise the following powers:

1. Make the youngExercise the power to give a good effect on 'biomarkers of aging'. Biomarkers of aging are some physical determinants of aging you can control such as muscle mass, body composition, blood lipids, blood pressure, bone density, and blood sugar levels. Tersebutlah factors that indicate how old you are, especially for people who do not know your actual age.

2. Beneficial for patients with heart disease
Some heart problems associated with the failure of the heart to pump enough blood throughout the body. Research shows that when people with heart disease do strength exercises such as leg press, they will be more blood flow than when they were silent. That is because the contraction of smooth muscle and movement control of leg press suppress vascular system that helps pump up and shorten the distance that must be traversed before the blood back to the heart. Thus, blood circulation becomes more effective.
3. Controlling blood sugar levels
Keeping blood sugar levels is very important if you want to avoid cardiovascular disease. Exercise the power to absorb more glucose as an energy source. Two sets of exercises with an average of ten reps subtract 5 grams of glucose in the body. So strength training is a good means to lower blood glucose.
4. Preventing osteoporosis
Bones and muscles are related to each other. With muscles, you also put pressure on the bone. This pressure stimulates the bones to increase density and help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

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