Sunday, November 17, 2013

Gadget , " Time Bomb " Children's Health

Beware , children face a " ticking time bomb " of health that could explode at any time . This warning was issued related to the massive use of gadgets researchers among children lately . Reported the use of gadgets cause neck and back pain child .
In the UK , at least three of the four elementary school-age children and two of the three middle school -aged children reported suffering from pain in neck and back each year . This result is certainly inviting questions , whether the use of smartphones , tablets , and game consoles disrupt children's health ?
This research was initiated Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University ( ABMU ) Health Board , after the number of children treated for neck pain and spine has doubled in just six months .

In the study, researchers found that 64 percent of 204 respondents aged children 7-18 years old , suffering from back pain . However , nearly 90 percent did not tell anyone related illness . Meanwhile , 72 percent of elementary school -age children admitted experiencing back pain .
According to physiotherapists , Lorna Taylor , this situation is a negative impact of the increased use of technology and changes in lifestyle .
" Gadget , however, has been detrimental to the development of muscle and bone health of children . If not changed as early as possible , either at home or school , it is very difficult to overcome this effect for children who still have a long future , " he said .
According to Taylor , not good when children continue to suffer pain and limited development due to interference that can actually be prevented . It's better for children to live comfortably , have good habits , inability to concentrate , develop potential, and are free to learn and play without restriction sick .
Research conducted ABMU , not the only one who proves bad lifestyle or a sedentary inactive for children . Research done to prove the British Chiropractic Association , 45 percent of children suffering from spine pain at the age of 11 years .
"There are many advantages of the development and technology . But its adverse effects , we are so separated by use and exercise the body needs every day . We do not even need to move to prove the existence of , "said the head of research at nonprofit institutions BackCare , Adam al - Kash , in the Daily Telegraph .
Publication of research results ABMU conjunction with the launch of e -learning called Healthy Working MOVE . This system teaches children improve posture , and use technology properly and safely .

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