Monday, November 11, 2013

Soda Drinking Habit Causes Kidney Pain

Excessive consume soft drinks are known to trigger many diseases , such as obesity and heart disease . One more reason why you should limit sweet drink this one , in order to maintain the health of your kidneys .
More recently , a study found that drinking soda habit increases the risk of kidney disease . The clerks at a university in Japan who consumed two glasses of fizzy drinks a day tend to have protein in urine than those who drink less or not drink soda at all . Protein in the urine is an early symptom of kidney damage can still be repaired though .
The new study shows the link between drinking soda and an increased risk of kidney damage . However, the researchers did not just make fizzy drinks as the only " black sheep" .
In the study , the researchers analyzed data on more than 12,000 university employees who conduct annual health examinations at the health center . One type of examination is protein in the urine .

They found that nearly 11 percent of employees who admitted consuming two or more cans of soft drinks per day had protein in her urine . In contrast , 8.4 percent who did not drink soda and 9 percent who drank one glass of soda a day does not have it .
Other related studies found that eating fructose sugar drinks can increase the sensitivity of species to proteins that regulate renal salt balance .
According to researchers from Case Westerm Reserve University , it is then triggered reabsorbi salt from the cells of the kidney . That's what explains consume fizzy drinks have no bearing on diabetes , obesity , renal failure , and high blood pressure .
Study researcher Dr. Orlando Gutierrez , a kidney specialist at the University of Alabama , said the protein in the urine is not even just be a sign of kidney disease . It was , he said , could also be an early sign of heart disease , stroke , and heart failure .
Gutierrez further said that soft drinks contain artificial sweeteners manifold high-fructose corn syrup . In fact , it's kind of sweetener can not be recognized by the brain as the cause of the feeling of satiety .
"Therefore , fructose can cause havoc with the metabolism of different pathways to glucose . Not increase blood sugar levels , but damage the kidneys , " he said .

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