Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Garlic Powerful Overcome Whitish

One clove of fresh garlic can cure a yeast infection . Infection known as vaginal discharge is usually often attack ' Miss V ' ( female part ) .
The first day , usually a woman just feel the itch that comes and goes . The next day , two or three days later , began to look white and viscous fluids , such as small pieces of cheese shavings . At that moment , a woman found to have fungal infection which then causes vaginal lips become red and sore .
If you are a woman who often suffer from fungal infections in particular female part , then you can use following treatment , reported by Green Media Info , Tuesday ( 19/11 ) .
Take a clove of fresh garlic , peeled skin . Before you go to bed , put garlic that has been cut into two is to Miss V. In the morning , you should remove it .

Garlic will effectively cause your vaginal discharge becomes watery . One night treatment alone may be enough to kill the infection . If not , you can repeat it on the next night , until all the itching disappeared .
You just do the traditional treatment is recommended at night .
If you not only have a whitish matter , but also vaginal lips are red , then you can compress these parts with Miss V by more than one clove of garlic .
Use dry wipes to clean your vagina when I wake up in the morning , just moments after it was cleaned with water .

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