Monday, November 18, 2013

Nutrition For a Healthy Heart Fruit and Intelligent

Every parent would want her baby achieve optimal growth and development . Of course, to achieve these expectations , nutritional factors become very important thing to note .
Nutritional needs appropriately , complete , and balanced will mutually impact the growth and development of children as a whole , such as the bones , eyesight and immunity even the brain as an organ of intelligence .
" All of it , so that the child has the capacity to support optimal performance in the future , " said Prof.Ir.H.Hardinsyah , MS . Professor of the Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology , Bogor Agricultural University ( IPB FEMA ) .
Yes, the important role that nutrition for growing children to be optimal from a variety of elements that include cognitive , motor , speech and language and social - emotional . Is important to know as well , to meet the nutritional needs of the energy needed to prepare the brain as a child in the process of empowering hardware .

In addition , nutrition is also important to give the role to help the child so as not susceptible to pain in the future growth and development. Conditions good immunity - because good nutrition - certainly will reduce the risk of children developing the disease . As a result , not to interfere with the child's growth and development further .
In the womb
Hardinsyah asserted , capacity and character of a person at a later date determined by the process of how she was raised . This includes how the quality of nutrition and stimulation he got , even since he was still in the womb .
Good nutrition will support the growth of the fetus . Since the pregnancy , the fetal brain cell growth has to be maximized , through nutrition and stimulation . Therefore Similarly , mothers need to prepare proper nutrition since the beginning of pregnancy .
Important note, the forerunner of the brain is formed by the third week of pregnancy in the form of the neural plate . Then , in the fourth week turned into a neural tube . Then , in the fifth week of pregnancy begins to form large brain , brain stem , cerebellum and spinal cord .
Well , after coming into the world , an important period for brain growth are considered in the age of 0-2 years . Why ? The reason , the time span is the golden period ( golden age ) the fastest neurodevelopmental brain , particularly myelination . Indeed, until the age of 5 years of brain development continue , although not as fast as in previous years .
" When ( the golden period ) is the height of a child's brain development that will be the foundation for further development of the brain , " said Hardinsyah .
Brain undergoes remarkable development in childhood . Even to children aged 2 years to 75 percent brain weight adult brain . In addition , up to age 2 years anyway , the growth and development of a child's brain has reached 90 percent .
Then what is the function of the brain ? Lots. Brain was all over the inside of the governing body , misanlya motor movements , regulate blood pressure , secretion , hormones , breathing , emotions and even regulate body temperature and so on . No wonder when the brain called the most vital organ .
Well , again , the most important factor for the formation of brain cells during the golden period is nutrition . As for some of the nutrients that play a role is glucose , vitamins , minerals , linolenic acid , linoleic acid , essential amino acids and choline course . Every intelligent parents who want their children would have to meet the nutrition needs of their children , in order to enhance the ability of their brain to be optimal .
In addition , another thing that is not less important in child nutrition is the intake of macro and micro nutrients from various foods . To meet nutritional needs , parents need to pay attention to a balanced intake of food sources and varied . Therefore , fulfill the nutritional needs of children with a menu that contains carbohydrates , fats , proteins , vitamins and minerals that suits the child's needs .
For example , carbohydrates can be sourced from rice and potatoes . Protein can be obtained from chicken , fish , and beef . Fats from fish , chicken , eggs and milk , vitamins from fruits , vegetables and minerals of milk . Obviously , each expected balanced daily intake .
There are times when children have difficulty eating . Even so parents need not worry or give up . Do the strategy to always provide a varied diet . Obviously to keep watching the elements of balanced nutrition . As a result , the child will not deficient intake of certain nutrients . Any child can grow and develop optimally according to what we expect .

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