Monday, December 2, 2013

Blood thickens Also Fueled Habit " Snoring "

Habitual snoring is generally a symptom of a more serious condition such as obstructive sleep apnea ( OSA ) . Known in advance , OSA can lead to a decrease in organ function which leads to various diseases . Even a simple blood curdling state can also be triggered by OSA .
ENT Specialists of RS Premier Plastica Ari Cahyono said , OSA can indeed have an impact on hematology , one of which makes the blood coagulate more easily . This is because the supply of oxygen is reduced when breathing stops at bedtime that occur repeatedly .
" When sleep snoring , body experiencing symptoms of hypoxia or lack of oxygen in the body . Situation is also making an increase of carbon dioxide in the blood , " he said when met in a discussion titled " The Dangers Snoring and Handling " last week in Jakarta .
Increased levels of carbon dioxide , he said , would make the blood oxidative stress . This is what makes the blood coagulate more easily .

Ari explained , simple blood will coagulate blood vessels clogging risk . If it happens in the coronary arteries , the condition can lead to heart attacks . Whereas in the case of other blood vessels , it will cause organ failure .
" Repetitive hypoxia also specifically makes the heart work harder so that higher risk of heart rhythm disturbances , " he said .
In addition , the high state of carbon dioxide in the blood also makes blood vessels vulnerable to damage . It was also a risk factor of heart disease .
Health experts from the Sleep Clinic hospital bed Premier Plastica , Lanny S. Tanudjaja said , all the organs need oxygen to work properly . If a long time do not get sufficient oxygen , the organs work harder. And if it happens repeatedly , also experienced a decline in organ function .
" All the organs can get the impact , from the heart , brain , kidney , liver , and other organs , " he said .

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