Monday, December 2, 2013

Seven Eats Healthy Make Teeth White Naturally

Having clean white teeth and of course the desire of every person . In addition to a huge confidence boost , having white teeth also show you Banwa people who maintain health .

If you want white teeth but avoid instant ways such as teeth whitening , you're in luck because eating certain foods can help whiten your teeth . The following types of food that can be a mainstay brilliant smile with teeth as reported .

1 . apple
Only by chewing an apple , this activity could help scrub your teeth . Apples also have high concentrations of malic acid which is commonly used in toothpaste . Malic acid increases the production of saliva , which cleans teeth and removes stains , according to a study by the University of Grenada Spain in 2013 .

2 . pineapple
Pineapple is the only food that naturally contains bromelain , which is a compound with anti - inflammatory shift and cleanup . A recent study in the International Journal of Dental Hygiene found that bromelain is an effective ingredient in toothpaste stain eraser .

3 . broccoli
Broccoli is high in fiber , and if many consume will reduce inflammation in your mouth . Eating fresh raw broccoli can help clean and polish teeth . Not only that according to a study in the Journal of Dentistry Eupean , the iron content in broccoli has the added benefit of giving protection to the walls of your teeth enamel to acid . This helps prevent stains and cavities .

4 . raisins
You might think that the raisins are not good for the teeth because the taste is sweet and sticky , but raisins really protective . Research indicates that cereal with raisins help clean up more quickly than the same cereal but without raisins . Chewing raisins can stimulate saliva production , which helps prevent plaque , stain , and developing cavities by neutralizing the acidic environment created by other food and bacteria in your mouth .

5 . cheese
This is the reason why when photographed , you are asked to say " cheese" . Cheese helps keep the teeth remain strong with minerals , such as calcium and phosphorus , and protein that protects the tooth enamel . According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Denttistry , lactic acid in cheese also protects against damage teeth . Lodging type of hard cheese can help clean your teeth by stimulating saliva production .

6 . water
Drinking water throughout the day can increase the production of saliva , which in turn helps keep your teeth pearly white . Drinking water during meals and after meals also helps to rinse your mouth of any leftovers .

7 . strawberries
Such as apples , strawberries also contain malic acid , also has the added benefit ellagitannin , an antioxidant that may help reduce inflammation and bacterial stains in your mouth . And the amount of vitamin C in strawberries can also help prevent gum inflammation and periodontal disease .

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