Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Watercress Kill Breast Cancer Causes Cell Growth

You know watercress plants ? These plants turned out to contain powerful compounds that may help fight breast cancer .
A study conducted at the University of Southampton and published in the British Journal of Nutrition , also known plant compounds called phenylethyl isothiocyanate could suppress the growth of breast cancer cells .
Reporting from Green Media Info , Tuesday ( 26/11 ) , watercress works by turning off cell signals in the fishing daam cancer cell growth . When the tumor blood supply and prevent cancer , compounds contained in the water lettuce will send a signal to the normal cells to continue to provide oxygen and nutrients .
Compound in watercress would interfere with the cancer cell signaling . He would prevent cancer cells blocking blood and oxygen in a person's body .
A study found watercress plant compounds also effectively inhibits the growth of prostate cancer cells and colon . In a small study group of patients with known breast cancer were asked to eat a bowl of watercress , then their blood tested clinically next 24 hours .
The researchers found significant levels of the plant compound in the blood after eating lettuce launched water . Signaling function of the plant is also measured blood cells affects women . The researchers concluded the dam believe that much work needs to be done to locate the direct impact watercress to reduce the risk of cancer .

Water lettuce or cabbage family is a kind of cross-bred . Although much more halur from relatives kale , broccoli , arugula , and mustard greens , watercress offer the same health benefits , particularly rich in antioxidants .
Some studies show that eating broccoli and watercress reduce the risk of breast cancer . Watercress is a rich source of calcium iron , zinc , potassium and magnesium . It also provides vitamin C , A , E , K , and B , including folate .
Watercress has been recommended to improve eye health because it contains a rich supply of carotenoids 2 , lutein , and zeaxanthin which protect the eyes from cataracts threat . Watercress also help normalize cholesterol and blood pressure , blood cleanser and breath freshener .
In Ancient Egypt , watercress provided to increase stamina army . Some African tribes believe that this plant is an aphrodisiac .
Watercress can be used for salads and soups , sandwiches are also complementary . This plant is widely available in the market , sometimes it is also found as a hydroponic plant .

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