Thursday, August 28, 2014

4 Ingredients First Aid from Kitchen

Accidents, infection, or condition of the body that does not fit the other can happen anytime and anywhere, including at home. First aid for minor accident at home can actually utilize ingredients from the kitchen. Well, what are the ingredients?

1 red onion 
Shallots can be a topical medication to cope with burns. Sliced ​​red onion on burns that have been washed with running water can reduce pain due to burns. Sliced ​​onions can also be used to treat swollen from bee bite.

2 Green Tea 
Green tea is known to be useful for immunity, shedding fat, as well as good for the heart. But not only that, green tea can also be used to cope with puffy eyes. The caffeine in green tea can reduce the swelling by means shrink the blood vessels around the eyes.

3 Honey 
Honey is often used as a natural sweetener, but also can be used to overcome a hangover. According to Manny Alvarez, health practitioners from New York, honey may help the body metabolize alcohol more quickly. In addition, honey also enriched greatly reduced potassium levels in the body while intoxicated.

4. Salt 
Salt is an anti-inflammatory substance (anti-inflammatory) are very good. Then salt can also relieve the symptoms of canker sores, sore throat. Gargling with salt water helps reduce pain caused by inflammation.

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