Thursday, August 7, 2014

Why Adverse Effect of Sugar Considered Equal to Cigarettes

Sugar consumption is not only associated with obesity, tooth decay, or diabetes. Moreover, the consumption of sugar also triggers high cholesterol, hypertension, heart disease, and even cancer. No wonder that sugar is considered as bad as cigarettes.

Experts believe that the impact of sugar on the body so that toxins do not only increase the risk of diabetes, but also heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases. In fact, almost every type of food in this modern era of sugar.

"Sugar is the greatest public health crisis in history," said Dr. Robert Lustig, an endocrinologist from the University of California.

In the journal Nature, Lustig and colleagues write that sugar is too dangerous, so its use should be regulated like alcohol and tobacco.

"Any content that causes addiction, cocaine, heroin, and many more, require intervention. Whilst there has been no action against sugar, when we need it," he said.

Experts are keen advocate of sugar that the sugar strands trigger reactions that produce toxins in the body fat, hormones, and harmful metabolic products.

Sugar is in almost every food except meat, butter, and oil. However, there is a big difference between sugars naturally present in fruits, vegetables, and milk with sugar added.

Added sugar in our daily diet comes in many form, such as white sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, or honey. Sugar is usually added in high amounts in food products.

"Nature does not actually make sugar easily obtained, but the man makes it easier," he said.

Of the various types of sugars, fructose is the most dangerous. Actually fructose is found naturally in small amounts in fruits, but combined with glucose to make artificial sweeteners.

So, why fructose dangerous? Dr. Miriam Vos, gastroenterologist, explains, "Fructose is a sugar that is metabolized by the liver. So, when we mengasupnya and processed in the body, this sugar will stay in the hearts and begin producing dangerous blood fats called triglycerides," he explained.

Another story that does not contain sugar fructose, such as pure glucose and corn syrup. Once processed in the liver, and then flowed into the blood circulation, whether our body needs it for energy or not.

Consuming fructose and also hoard triglycerides, the effect is fatty liver and insulin resistance, a condition in which the body does not produce enough insulin to break down sugar we eat.

Insulin resistance is a cause of obesity and diabetes. The latest studies show that these conditions also lead to heart disease because mengasup too much sugar will suppress good cholesterol (HDL).

The link between insulin resistance and tumor cell growth also continues to be studied, although experts do not have a conclusion.

Unfortunately, sports can not fully eliminate the negative effects of sugar on the body. Although the exercise we can improve cholesterol, but it is usually difficult to make the numbers to a healthy level.

"If you are lean and active, frequently consume sugar is also dangerous," said Vos

Meanwhile, if you are an athlete, sugar is still needed, especially before and during exercise. "There is evidence to suggest a positive effect of fructose, but the amount should be moderate," said Dr. Richard Johnson, a kidney specialist at the University of Colorado.

began to limit

Even so, not all experts agree with the theory that calls a dangerous sugar. According to Dr. David Katz of Yale University, the body makes sugar as an energy source.

"There is no effect if we consume too much sugar, but do not need to encourage people to avoid sugar. Far, we have adopted a low-fat diet, low carbohydrate, and now we are also low in sugar. Nutritional deficiencies we can," he protested.

However, Katz realized that most people in this modern era of consuming too much sugar.

While not agree with the restriction of sugar at all, but he recommends to control the consumption of sugar. Experts recommended amount is about 9 teaspoons per day for men and 6 teaspoons per day for women.

The amount of sugar is not only the white sugar we put in food or drink, but we are wary of fast food or packaging. Read all food labels. Four grams of sugar in a food package equivalent to one teaspoon of sugar.

Avoid sweetened drinks, such as soda or fruit juice. Beverages such as fruit juices usually contain high fructose without the fiber or nutrients nutritious as well as fresh fruit.

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