Monday, August 18, 2014

Five Issues for Those Left-handed

On Wednesday (13/08/2014) and is celebrated internationally as the Day Right-handed or Left-handers Day. Yes, you may have just learned that there is a special day dedicated to those who have a tendency to use the left hand for daily activities.

Until now, the human population is left-handed is not much. From a recent survey said that only 10 percent of the total population of the world who have a habit of left-handed.

Nothing wrong with those left-handed, even though immemorial, communities often assume they are left-handed as a strange group. However, over the times, they are not distinguished left-handed, even appearing as unique characters that enrich life.

But, inevitably, as minorities, many of the problems that must be faced by those who are left-handed, given the many facilities and objects in general is created for those who are right-handed.

Here are some of the problems or difficulties that often a struggle for those who are left-handed. Perhaps by understanding this problem, the right-handed can understand the difficulties our neighbor who happened to be left-handed.

1 Ring Binders 

Seem trivial. But, you know, those who are left-handed encounter tremendous difficulties when having to use a book or notebook with ring binder located on the left? Spiral ring on the side of a book or a notebook that is created for right-handed man. Can you imagine, right, troublesome if every time you write, the wrist should be opposite to the ring binder.

2 Pens 

No pen is designed specifically for those who are left-handed. Therefore, they are left-handed grip definitely have trouble with their fingers.

3 Scissors 

In fact, even very small amounts, now there are special scissors designed for left-handed users. But it turns out, after a try, they actually have a more difficult. There is no other way for those who are left-handed in addition to learning to use normal scissors.

4. Age is shorter 

In science, it's been a lot of studies that say that those with a tendency to use the left hand turns shorter than they are right-handed.

5. Faster angry 

Through a study initiated in 2012 by The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, left hand turns users have a tendency to think negative and full of anger than those who were right-handed. Most likely it is caused by the pressure they have received since childhood and having to adapt to a lot of things.

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