Sunday, August 10, 2014

Probiotics Can Help Reduce Blood Pressure

Study latest show, people who consume beneficial bacteria, either from foods such as yogurt or probiotic supplements, can help reduce blood pressure.

According to analysis conducted by researchers in Australia, study participants who regularly consume foods containing live bacteria in large quantities or probiotic supplements reduced blood pressure than the control group (who did not consume probiotic supplements).

The study, published in the journal Hypertension, people who consume probiotics reduced systolic blood pressure an average of 3.56 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure of about 2.38 mmHg, more than study participants who did not consume probiotics.

"The collection of studies that we saw showed consumption of probiotics on a regular basis can be a part of a healthy lifestyle to help reduce high blood pressure," said Jing Sun, senior author of the study and professor of Biostatistics School of Medicine Griffith University in Queensland, Australia.

"They can help maintain healthy blood pressure levels," he said as reported by Live Science website.

The researchers said the decrease in blood pressure from the use of probiotics in the analysis were comparable to the results seen in studies in people who reduce salt intake to less than 2,000 milligrams of sodium per day, and people who start a regular weight training program.

Bacteria and blood pressure 

The researchers evaluated data from nine studies on the effects of probiotics on 543 adults with normal blood pressure and high blood pressure.

Most of the experiments in this study involved people who get healthy bacteria from the consumption of foods such as yogurt, fermented beverages or cheese, as well as a study involving people who consume probiotic supplement capsules.

According to the researchers, the study analyzes not see if getting the bacteria from food better than than from supplements to reduce blood pressure.

The data shows, people need to take probiotics at least eight weeks to see improvement in blood pressure.

But more research needs to be done about the best probiotic strains to lower blood pressure, he said.

Nevertheless, he said, the findings revealed that people who consume a probiotic capsule containing 109 and 1012 units of colony (Colony Forming Units / CFU) every day can get great results.

Based on the analysis, only two of the nine trials that reported the emergence of a few minor side effects on the participants, such as flatulence caused by eating probiotics.

The researchers said it was unclear exactly how these bacteria can lower blood pressure.

One possibility, intestinal bacterial community can help regulate the hormones responsible for controlling blood pressure and fluid balance in the body.

The researchers said that further studies involving more participants in the longer term is needed to determine how probiotics can be useful for people who use it to prevent or control high blood pressure.

Probiotics will be used as an addition to prescription drugs for blood pressure, said Sun

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