Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Simple Techniques to Overcome Headache

Headache is one of the complaints that are often experienced daily. How to resolve this complaint is quite simple. There are nine techniques that can be tried to drive away headaches.

1 Rest in a dark and quiet room 
Stress is one cause of headaches. Relaxes the tense muscles can help relieve tension headaches, the most common type of headache. Those who suffer from this type of headache may feel very sensitive to sound and light. Rest in a dark room. Close your eyes and Rilekkan back, neck and shoulders.

2 Acupuncture 
Acupuncture helps release the body's natural relievers called endorphins to relieve pain in the neck, shoulders and head. Several studies have proven preventive therapy, acupuncture can relieve tension headaches attack.

3 Caffeine 
Caffeine can relieve headache symptoms with pain medication helps to work better and faster. Caffeine is usually added in the pain relief drug manufacturers to make the drugs work more quickly relieve headaches.

4. Relax 
Deep breathing exercises can reduce stress and headache pain. Take a few deep breaths. Exhale slowly and Rilekkan area feels tight and cramping while imagining the beautiful scenery and peaceful. Lower the chin to the chest and lift slowly and gently. Turn your head slowly half circle from left to right and from right to left. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly again.

5. hot or cold therapy 
Heat and cold can relieve muscle tension and pain that accompany the headache. Warm bath or a warm wet towel compresses or warm water bottle can ease the symptoms of tension head. When you prefer a cold compress, wrap ice cubes in a towel and compress on the body that feels pain.

6 Massage 
Nice massage to relieve tension in the head, shoulder, neck. Massage can be done by a skilled therapist.

Exercise 7 
Stretching can relieve neck in neck due to ease in holding the head in one position for too long. Place the palms on the forehead. Use your neck muscles to push forehead against the palm of the hand. Keep your head upright.

8 Taking medicine 
Headache relievers aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen can be bought in drug stores without a prescription. However, when taking this medicine for three days of headache does not heal, see a doctor immediately.

9 Treated to a doctor 
Immediately go to the doctor if the headache is more frequent and lasts more than three days. Berobatlah doctor if headaches occur sudden and severe, occurred after a clash in the head. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if the headache is accompanied by fever, stiff neck, double vision, difficulty moving, nausea, vomiting, panting.

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