Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Ways Healthy Eating "Junk Food"

Not easy to do to avoid the temptation of junk food, even though food is not healthy because it contains no nutrients for the body. Nevertheless, there are tricks to get around for junk food diasup little healthier.

Junk food is food that is not nutritionally balanced, with a portion of simple carbohydrates, sugar, salt, fat is much more than the protein, fiber, minerals, vitamins, or even water.
There are a few tips to make junk food healthier to eat.

1. Moderation 
Remember, moderation is the key in keeping the weight remains the ideal and certainly healthier body. The meaning of moderation is to set and maintain the intake of junk food at one time. For example, in a week, you may only eat one serving of junk food alone.

2 Balance 
As much as possible, when eating junk food, complete with lots of vegetables. After that there is also a good idea to balance it with exercise. Doing all it can also reduce the guilt of enjoying junk food.

3 Consider how to cook 
Baked goods will contain less fat than fried foods. Therefore, instead of choosing a burger with fried meat, you'll want to replace it with roasted meats.

4 Replace with a more healthy
Mayonnaise on junk food would probably make it more palatable, but also adds to the fat content of it. Therefore, you can make healthier choices such as replacing mayonnaise with olive oil. The bread on the burger which is usually a white bread can also be replaced with whole wheat bread.

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