Sunday, June 8, 2014

"Drug" Strange But Potent

Turns chili and peppers are potent medicine for indigestion and a cold shower make us happier. Sounds strange indeed. But there is research evidence supporting the efficacy of drugs that strange.

Drug chili Digestion
The thing we know, just make chili stomach pain. However, researchers from Italy proves otherwise. They gave 30 people were gastrointestinal pain pills before eating chili. It turns out they have a reduction in symptoms by 60 percent. Content named capsaicin in chili turns in blocking the production of a neurotransmitter called substance P that sends pain signals from the nerves to the brain.

Cold Water Makes Happy
Experiments at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine in the U.S. collects mild depression sufferers. They ordered a cold shower once or twice a day. It turned cold shower can make the mood better.

According to Drs. Nikolai Shevcuk who attempted it, cold water bath to raise endorphins, substances that make us happy. "Due to the high density of the cold receiver in the skin, the cold shower of electrical nerve impulses sent many of the peripheral nerves to the brain which gives an antidepressant effect," he said.

Hands clenched Drinking Aids Drug
For some people, taking medication not easy. To be successful taking medication, focus the mind on the benefits of the drug. Clench your hands first, then swallow the drug. By doing so, take the medicine would have been more successful. So say researchers from the National University of Singapore.

Stick Fingers in Ears Cure Cough
Itchy throat and cough in the middle of an important meeting or during a concert of classical music would have been very disturbing. Touch fingers in ears and shake earlobe.
"The nerves in the throat memilikio nerve branch called Alderman. Nerves were also towards the ear, "says Andrew McCombe, ENT specialist from Australia.
That is why sometimes when we are troubled with sore throat or teeth sometimes also experience ear pain.

Hand Cleansing Gel Eliminate Foot Odor
Andrew Schox, president of the Australasian Podiatry Council says no alcohol in mouthwash can help eliminate foot odor. "Alcohol in the form of hand gel can eliminate foot odor, especially when we are in contact with the infected bacterial disease corynebakteria. The disease is very smelly but hand gels can help eliminate foot odor, "he said.

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