Thursday, June 5, 2014

Up Bike Make Happier

Cycling is not only physical benefits, but also mental. A study found that, compared with all types of transport, cycling people happier than those who drive a car or use public transport.
Study Chairman Eric Morris, assistant professor of planning tatakota of Clemson University in South Carolina said, people are in the best mood when they use the bike as compared to other modes of transportation. According to him, in general, people who ride bicycles younger and healthier.
"Two factors that are needed by people happier," said Morris.

The researchers studied how people's emotions change as they travel. Using data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, they measure feelings like happiness, pain, stress, tired, and sad when I travel.
The study, published in the journal Transportation noted, people who ride bikes in this study is defined as a group outside of the athlete or bicycle lover.

The next happiest group of people who ride bikes after a passenger in the car was. The third is the person who drives the car. While passenger buses or trains are in the final sequence. But most people are riding the bus or train when they go to work, so maybe that's what causes them less enthusiastic.
"By understanding the relationship between how we travel and mood while doing so, we find a description of how to improve public transport services, prioritizing investments and designing efficient travel," said Morris.

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