Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Simple beverage Pereda Sore Throat

Changes in extreme weather , with rain drops erratic , can be the cause of sore throat . To relieve sore throat , make drinks with a few ingredients that are around the house .

Herbal tea
One simple remedy sore throat relief is herbal tea . Herbal teas can be used as a sore throat remedy these, green tea , lemon tea , and chamomile tea .

Honey and Lemon
One ancient recipe that is worth a try is a mixture of lemon and honey . Way, take a teaspoon or 5 ml of honey , lemon 5 ml water , 5 ml of water and ginger . It will help thin the mucus and relieve sore throat .

Honey and lemon can also be made into a drink lemon tea with honey . The trick , mix 2 teaspoons of honey , one teaspoon of lemon juice in 250 ml of hot water . You can add a teaspoon of sugar if you please .

Tea Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne Pepper tea is a popular traditional medicine to relieve sore throat . How to make it , mix one part lemon tea , peppermint tea , juice of one lemon , 1-2 tsp honey , ½ tsp chili powder and to meet a small saucepan . Warm the mixture , then stir well and drink while warm .

Cinnamon Milk
Relieves sore throat can be done by drinking milk cinnamon . How to make it , mix 250 ml of fresh milk with 1/8 teaspoon baking soda , 1 tablespoon sugar , 1 teaspoon honey , and ½ teaspoon cinnamon . Stir cinnamon , sugar , and baking soda , then add milk and stir again until one menitan . Heat on the stove over low heat until warm ( do not boil ) . Add warm milk and honey after will be served .

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