Sunday, June 8, 2014

Writing As Therapy

Losing a child as claimed spirit alive Parengkuh Astuti (42). During the week he locked himself in a room, just a little to eat and sleep. New month later his condition gradually recovered. Until one day, Astuti will remember her late to make a book.

Asa Utami Putri, Astuti second son, died at age 10 after a year of suffering from lupus. Astuti trip to accompany her son against lupus pour most of it in the diary, especially prescription drug records and the names of the doctors who treated him. No wonder the book Asa, my little angel written with detailed Astuti can call this type of drugs consumed Asa. Sharp memory also makes Astuti able to make a description in a coherent timeline of the story.

"Two days before he died, Asa expressed his desire to make a book. He wanted me to make it happen. Once gone, it was revealed that Asa often write diary in which he wrote the book neatly hide. I am determined to realize his will to make a book, "said Astuti at his home in Market POND, Solo, Central Java.

Armed with the desire to satisfy the last message Asa, Astuti trying to write a book of Asa's life journey from his perspective. The story begins from Astuti married, give birth, until the return of Asa so that the resulting book became a kind of memoir. For five months Astuti wrote the story as he recalled memories on Asa. It turns out, surprisingly, the process of writing it slowly instead treat wounds Astuti stricken inner melancholy loss Asa.

"I am writing through tears, sometimes smiling and laughing at the humor and wit face of illness at the time," said Astuti.

The most difficult moment when Astuti arrived at the last minute writing down Asa's life. He wrote it as he burst into the eyes remembering Asa messages in the form of prayers to the parents and brother sister. Although not feel comfortable having to recall the painful times, eventually sneaking Astuti feel peace at heart after all the feelings poured into writing. "I can be at peace with myself. As there heart and policy balancing emotions when writing, "said Astuti.

Write back to "escape" the current problems facing households. Astuti pour it into a short story to channel anger and frustration over divorce cases that it faces. Short stories were submitted and published a number of local media. "I can better see the issue through writing," said Astuti.

Writing is also a way around the state protested against the perceived injustice and discrimination filled. This unrest he poured in the form of fiction or poetry. Asa's departure seems to be a turning point realization Astuti writing talent that had been buried and not honed.

Until now, Astuti has spawned many writings, both articles, short stories and poetry published a number of media, children's novels, and a book of collected writings with other writers, such as Smile and Women That ... Something.

Since the divorce, Astuti that being a single parent with two children working by using his ability to write. Astuti is a contributor to the online site of the disabled and Women's Journal. He is also active in the community wrote Discussion Story Online (cendol) and as a companion for pediatric patients diseased blood disorders in the Family Supporting Group Tunas Bangsa, Yogyakarta.

Facebook Status

Rosalia who experienced similar story using writing as a means of spilling guts uneknya which may not be disclosed directly to others. At first, the woman who was familiarly called Rosa wrote via Facebook status. However, because it is too long, Rosa moved to write the blog space.

He felt more free to shed a wedge through a series of posts. "I like to be heard. Incidentally, I've not had parents and siblings. Estella is limited to a few friends, "said Rosa who also live in Solo.

Rosa admits, he does not always receive the solution through writing. However, he helped pass the problems being faced. He used to write freely devote whatever feeling and thinking. Most read story of her life in her blog. His writing is sometimes brought comments that strengthen and support. Rosa had seven years of separation and divorced a year ago with her husband. Now, he was a single parent for only daughter 15 years old.

Since active blogging, writing becomes its own preoccupations for Rosa. The contents of his writing is now very diverse, no longer limited to the outpouring of the heart. After issuing a book of poems entitled Songs of Source and a book of collected writings Woman Tells 101 2nd, Rosa is now working on a novel that is targeted to rise this year.

Psychologists from the University Eleven March (UNS) Solo, Sacred Karini Murti, said, writing can be used for therapy. This activity can be a means of release steam or emotion. Especially if the person has introverted nature.

"Basically people need a friend to vent. If the person extroverted, often prefer to confide in person or face to face. If introvert, can write a blog or diary through to channel emotions and feelings. In writing, please what are poured, a good sense of anger, sadness, and fear, so that there can be emotion regulation. Emotion regulation is one of the ways in therapies, "said Saints.

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