No longer eat rice? This is not an extreme diet. There have been many actors do not eat rice can live peaceful, healthy, and fit. It was undertaken not only because of severe pain.
Almost a year ago, Lena (33) often suffered tremendous headaches every before menstruation. The entire head was tightened up to the base of the neck. The right side of his head felt like drilled. He then went to the doctor gynecology. After the checkup, the doctor diagnose Lena having some sort of hormonal balance disorders. The doctor asked him to try changing your diet, which is to reduce as much as possible the intake of carbohydrates, rice, and sugar.
Doctor's advice that he lived with half disbelief. "However, it turns out after three months of reduced rice and sugar and stop at all the fourth month, my pain is completely gone. Fourth month feels awful, mens baseball would hurt at all. Serene peaceful, "said Lena.
After enjoying a stable body fitness, one time Lena could eat a plate of rice again. A few days later before menses, headache flogging plunged back feel. "I remember eating anything, it is clear that because of the rice again," said Lena.
Almost a year ago, Lena (33) often suffered tremendous headaches every before menstruation. The entire head was tightened up to the base of the neck. The right side of his head felt like drilled. He then went to the doctor gynecology. After the checkup, the doctor diagnose Lena having some sort of hormonal balance disorders. The doctor asked him to try changing your diet, which is to reduce as much as possible the intake of carbohydrates, rice, and sugar.
Doctor's advice that he lived with half disbelief. "However, it turns out after three months of reduced rice and sugar and stop at all the fourth month, my pain is completely gone. Fourth month feels awful, mens baseball would hurt at all. Serene peaceful, "said Lena.
After enjoying a stable body fitness, one time Lena could eat a plate of rice again. A few days later before menses, headache flogging plunged back feel. "I remember eating anything, it is clear that because of the rice again," said Lena.