Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Overcome Constipation When Pregnant with this Fruit Consumption

Any fruits required pregnant women to avoid the disease. One that should be eaten every day is a pear.
There are many benefits of pear that you ought to know. Here's the explanation, quoted Boldsky, Thursday (15/12/2016).

preventing infection
Pears contain vitamin C. Eat pears can help you prevent certain infections such as coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and even flu.

cure constipation
The fiber content in pears can relieve constipation. Better you eat a pear with the skin to get more benefits.

Generating energy
Pear fruit low-fat group, but still give a lot of energy. On average, one pear equipped with about 100 calories.

Curb cravings sense eating candy
Pears come with natural sugar. Thus, when you want to eat candy tolerated healthier eating pear.

Good for the heart
This fruit contains potassium, which is important for heart function. Of mothers and babies also need minerals for a healthier heart.

keeping bones
Pears contain calcium which is an essential mineral that can strengthen the bones of both baby and mother. Moms Come on, try eating pears from now yes!

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