Monday, February 9, 2015

Excessive consumption of sausages Cause Cancer

Consumption of more than 150 grams of processed meat per day is equivalent to three pieces of sausage. It turned out to put you at risk 57 percent of pancreatic cancer as well as smokers.
A recent report from Sweden found the facts if excessive eating sausages increases the risk of pancreatic cancer by 57 percent, then smoke could increase by up to 70 percent of pancreatic cancer. Consumption of red meat and processed meat particular also associated with an increased risk of colon cancer, esofogus, lungs, stomach, and prostate.

Processed meats include ham, pork, sausage, salami, prosciutto, and corned beef. Clare Hughes from the Cancer Council says, processed meats such as sausage was high in salt and fat. In addition, chemicals such as nitrite is added to many processed meats to preserve color and prevent kontimanis. If you've got the stomach, nitrites are converted into carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Eating 50 grams of sausage once a week may not be a problem for you, but if you eat every day then it will harm. If you like to eat sausage, then you should add a lot of salads or sandwiches. Eat good quality sausage with lots of vegies.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly forms of cancer. Less than five percent of patients who could live more than five years.
Equivalents are 50 processed meat it? This is equivalent to 1-3 stems sausages, two slices of ham, one hotdog or frankfurter, a piece of salami, and two slices of meat for lunch.

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