Monday, January 20, 2014

10 Foods for Healthy Bones

To build strong bones , the key is two , namely calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is the main part of the structure of bones and teeth . Meanwhile , vitamin D increases calcium absorption and bone growth .
Levels of calcium and vitamin D is necessary for the children so that optimal growth . Not just for them , enough calcium and vitamin D is also needed for adults and the elderly to maintain their bone health .
Enough calcium and vitamin D one of which can be obtained from food . Consider the 10 food guards following bone health .
1 . yogurt
Most people get vitamin D from sun exposure , but certain foods such as yogurt, are also rich in these vitamins . Generally, one cup of fat-free yogurt can meet 30 percent of daily calcium and 20 percent of vitamin D a day .
2 . milk
Milk has long been known as a source of calcium . Although the 237 ml can donate 90 calories , but 30 percent of the daily calcium requirement can be fulfilled . Choosing a vitamin D-fortified milk will provide multiple benefits .

3 . sardine
These fish are usually found in cans , but the amount of vitamin D and calcium was amazing. Fiastuti Witjaksono , nutrition specialist clinic of the Faculty of medicine / RSCM said , fish eaten with the bones very well be used as a source of calcium and vitamin D.
4 . eggs
Although only one egg can be suffice six percent of the daily requirement of vitamin D , but the food was likely easy to find.
5 . salmon
Salmon are known which contain omega-3 fatty acids are healthy . But other than that , 227 grams of salmon also contains more than 100 percent of vitamin D daily . So it can be heart healthy salmon consumption and bone as well .
6 . spinach
If dairy products not be your choice , then choose spinach as a source of calcium to your favorite . One cup of cooked spinach contains almost 25 percent of daily calcium requirements , plus fiber , iron , and vitamin A.
7 . cereals
Certain cereals made ​​from whole grains , fruits , and nuts contain up to 25 percent of your daily vitamin D needs .
8 . tuna
Tuna is another fatty fish rich in vitamin D. A total of 85 grams of tuna contains 154 IU or 39 percent meet your vitamin D needs .
9 . green cabbage
Such as spinach , green leafy vegetables are good sources of calcium . One bowl of cooked green cabbage contains more than 25 percent of your daily calcium needs .
10 . orange juice
A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice is often fortified with vitamin D and calcium . According Fiastuti , citrus fruits are also a good source of calcium .

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