Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sports lazy ? Do not Expect 10 Gain It

Exercising on a regular basis it takes determination and willpower plus consistency . Not least among you do so only occasionally depending on my mood .
But you may not be alone . Four of the five people who experience busy . Sports became the most difficult thing to do amid the density of activity . But your actual losses if they continue to laze around and do not want to exercise . Various studies have confirmed the importance of sports , one of them so long lifespan .
Consider other healthy advantages that can be learned by constantly moving . Ten 's never gains enjoyed by those who are too lazy to move and dispense dried with exercise .

1 . Increased memory
Experts assert that the activities of sports including important that maximum brain function . Sports can m ; Increasing the intake of oxygen in the blood and stimulate the production of chemical compounds useful in the brain that sharpen memory .

2 . reduced inflammation
Regular exercise effectively reduces the levels of C - reactive protein , which indicates levels of inflammation ( inflammation ) . Why is this important ? This is due to cholesterol deposits that cause plaque in the blood vessels can rupture and cause inflammation . The result is a heart attack .

3 . The controlled cholesterol
Age was one factor rising levels of bad cholesterol ( LDL ) and decrease good cholesterol ( HDL ) . The best way to keep LDL levels remain low is to eat foods low in saturated fat . Meanwhile , to increasing levels of HDL , do sports . This fact is supported by research in Denmark in 2007 to 835 men who regularly exercise . Good cholesterol known to the respondents always high .

4 . Decreased levels of triglycerides
Triglycerides are fats in the blood . High triglyceride levels are high risk factors causing heart disease . The same study conducted in Danish experts also show that active men have lower levels of triglycerides .

5 . Normal blood pressure
The study, published in 2007 by researchers from the University of Minnesota says the physical activity regularly performed effectively lower blood pressure .

6 . Conditions better blood vessels
To respond to the need of oxygen in the body , blood vessels must be flexible or easy to grow. Smoking , cholesterol deposits , and the aging process causes the blood vessels to harden and increase the risk of heart disease . Various studies have shown exercise can help maintain the ability to open blood vessels and contracting according the physical needs of the body .

7 . Reduce the risk of diabetes
The Diabetes Prevention Program found that exercise and weight loss programs undertaken during the 3 years can reduce the risk of diabetes by 58 percent .

8 . Stronger bones
Lift weights , balance , or walking are the types of exercise that we can do to reduce the risk of bone loss .

9 . Ideal weight
If you want to trim , sport yes , dong . It is a cliché that always echoed the advice people . Fact is the case . One study showed the benefits of exercise , physically active men have a smaller waist circumference compared with those who are lazy to exercise .

10 . longevity
A study conducted in 2004 in Finland on 15,853 men aged 30-59 years over 20 years found that those who are physically active are less affected by heart disease and died during the period of the study.

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