Wednesday, January 29, 2014

7 Things that Make Flu Severe Added

Rain and hot weather is erratic is one trigger immune deficiencies so susceptible to the flu . When it is exposed to the flu , there are some common mistakes which can make cold symptoms worse or make it difficult to get well soon .
Here are seven things that make flu symptoms worse.

1 . Pretended not sick
You have never been able to let your flu symptoms , because the body will decrease its performance . Conversely , when stricken with the flu , then you have to take care of your body . The body needs extra energy to fight the infection . When you force yourself to remain active despite being stricken with the flu , especially when fever , you would deprive yourself . More severe , flu-like symptoms will be more severe .
According to Jennifer Shu , a doctor from the United States , while the work piling up and deadlines approaching , many people who do not heed the flu and still forced to come to work . In fact , the way it will only aggravate their pain and prolong the healing process .

2 . Not enough sleep
Enough sleep is the key to a healthier immune system . A study found that sleeping less than seven hours can increase the risk of flu many times . If your flu symptoms make it difficult to sleep , then go to sleep early or during the day . When cold , however you need to add a break .

3 . Stress
Stress can also trigger the flu . High levels of stress hormones in the body will trigger the inflammation that interferes with the immune system to work normally. As a result, you sick longer.
The team of researchers from Ohio State speculated that long-term stress causes the body to release stress hormones - glucocorticoids , especially in the long term . These hormones affect the thymus , where lymphocytes ( immune cells one ) is produced , and inhibit the production of cytokines and interleukins that stimulate and coordinate the activity of white blood cells .

4 . Less drinking
When ill , you need to drink plenty of water . This is because the fluids will help thin the mucus which makes it already issued . Water can come from many kinds of beverages such as water , juice , hot tea , even fry foods such as soup

5 . Drinking alcohol
Too much alcohol will cause dehydration and flu- like symptoms worsen nasal congestion . Activity was also aggravate the immune system and potentially interact with oral medications . Therefore , alcohol is not recommended to drink when cold .

6 . Too much use decongestant sprays
Decongestants may work well when used early days . However, the use of which has been too often more than three days will actually make symptoms worse when no longer used .

7 . Smoke
Smokers tend to have more severe flu symptoms than those who did not . They are also more likely to experience a longer period of flu . This happens because smoking damages the cells in the lungs that makes the body more difficult against the flu virus . So when you have a cold should not smoke and stay away from others who smoke .

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