Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Snacks Could Be " Killer Food"

Snacking or eating snacks is part of the habit of many people . In fact , there are some people who deliberately change the size of the regular schedule meal snacking . Satiety arising after snacking , is considered the same as eating a large meal .
If the currently selected snack foods containing nutrients and quality nutrition and proper portion , may not be a problem . But if eaten food containing flour , sugar , salt , and high fat such as pastries , chips , or crackers , snack is potentially " killer " .
" Snacks are often consumed containing flour and sugar , which is a killer food . Food is also minimal nutrition , " said Chairman of Clinical Nutrition II Indonesian Doctors Association ( PDGKI ) , Dr. Abdullah Firman , SpGK .

Flour , except made ​​from nuts, rich in carbohydrates . For example, wheat flour , rice , or shaft . Foods made ​​from these materials typically have a high glycemic index , and if consumption is not restricted to pose a risk to health .
"Remember that 80 percent of obese people in Indonesia , not due to high fat . They are too many foods high in carbohydrates , which exist in various types of snacks , " said Abdullah .
Obesity becomes another gate opener degenerative diseases , such as coronary heart disease and diabetes . The high sugar content in snack also can not be underestimated .
That is , the sugar in the snack quickly unraveled that causes sugar levels in the body fluctuate sharply . This raises diabetes risk . These conditions resulted in insulin no longer function properly , and caused the pancreas does not work optimally .
As a result , the sugar into the blood stream and can not be converted into energy . If allowed , diabetics will be weak due to energy kekurangam . With this condition , the habit of eating a heavy schedule change should not be done lightly . These habits will increase the risk of various degenerative diseases .
" As much as possible keep the balance of food intake . If you want to snack make sure the nutrients in food are useful to the body , " said Abdullah .

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