Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It took 44 meters to avoid smoke from the smoker

The ban on smoking in public or outdoors in the last five years have been increased two -fold . Now more than 2600 places already use signs smoking ban .

To avoid the dangers of secondhand smoke , the study did not detect that smokers inhale smoke from a distance of 44 meters need .

Some experts question the main reason for this ban because there is no medical evidence that cigarette smoke outdoors can harm the health of children and other passes .

" Or perhaps the long -term health problems for many people " when smoking outdoors , "said researchers from Stanford University , Neil Klepeis quoted by Time , Wednesday ( 14/08/2013 ) .

Professors from Columbia University , Ronald Bayer said worse things related to this prohibition . " The evidence of the risk to people in an open setting is thin , " he said .

But there are hundreds of studies linking indoor smoke to health problems such as heart disease .

This research was supported legislation town and work rules that are now imposed a ban on smoking in public places .

There's been little study of the potential dangers of cigarette smoke while in the open air . Rules can apply to playgrounds , zoos , beaches and ball fields , as well as an outdoor dining terrace and a bus stop .

" Cigarette smoke is dangerous . It is very dangerous for the children , "said Councilwoman Mary Cheh of the District of Columbia .

Federal health officials say smoking outdoors dangerous . The study clearly establishes short indoor smoke exposure can cause blood to become sticky and more prone to clotting .

Repeated exposure is more dangerous , and can worsen cholesterol , increasing the likelihood of developing plaque in the arteries and increases the risk of chest pain , weakness , or heart attack .

Health officials have said there is no reason to think again the dangers of inhaling cigarette smoke .

" There is no risk-free level of tobacco smoke, " said a smoke Experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Brian King .

In Atlanta , city council members act when meeting someone smoking in city parks . Technically , a violation could result in a fine of $ 1,000 .

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