Thursday, January 9, 2014

7 Simple Steps to Detox After the Holidays

Holiday is over , time to get back into the routine . Well , in order to celebrate the growing spirit back to the productive zone , you'll want to do a detox after the holidays . Such activity will make you more refreshed , and even help to reduce fat mass that you could possibly store up during the holidays .

Here are simple steps to detox after the holidays .

1 . Get rid of high-calorie foods
If the celebration cakes are still left in the house , then you need to get rid of it . Keep it in the house will only trigger you to eat it . Whereas snacking on high-calorie foods will unwittingly add body fat deposits .

2 . Set the environment
Fulfill your environment with tasty and healthy food will reduce your tendency to choose foods that are not healthy . Prepare only the stock of vegetables and fresh fruits in the refrigerator , as well as nonfat yogurt sauce.

3 . physical activity
Start your day with physical activity . Before preoccupied with checking e - mail , talking on the phone , even dress up to go through the routine , walk out of the house , running on a treadmill , or go to the gym . Or you can start the day by doing yoga that can improve strength , balance , and flexibility .

4 . Breakfast each morning
Breakfast is an important meal and should not be missed . Skipping breakfast will only backfire as triggers to eat more at the next meal . In the meantime , if you eat a lot at one time at the same meal , your metabolism will not run optimally .

5 . Eat less at night
When it is time for dinner , calories diasup need a little more time than others to eat . This is because during sleep the body does not need too many calories . Soups can be an ideal food for the closing day because it does not contain too many calories .

6 . Sleep between 7-8 hours
Study after study shows that sleep disruption associated with weight problems .

7 . association
Expand associating with people who have similar goals with you to help achieve the target of weight loss . If your family and closest friends do not support you , the idea to become slimmer after the holidays may tend to be difficult to be realized .

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