Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How Calories Burned In The Body

If you want to lose weight , we often hear , calories burned needs more than calorie intake. That is why exercise and diet are two things that need to be done to achieve that goal . But actually how calorie-burning mechanism in the body ?
Clinical nutrition specialist Oetoro Samuel said , burning calories in the body occurs due to metabolism . The faster rate of metabolism, the more calories you burn , and vice versa .
Metabolism is the body's process of generating energy used for basic living needs or also known as the basal metabolic rate ( BMR ) and daily activities . Metabolic rate varies in each person , so that any calorie needs also vary .
" Usually the older the person , the rate of metabolism decreases , so that age is a determining factor for the speed of the metabolic rate , " Samuel said when contacted by Reuters Health , Friday ( 01/17/2014 ) .
In addition to age , he continued, the factors that affect the metabolism of the other gender and the environment , such as temperature , and several other factors . These factors generally affecting the BMR . Beyond that , the factor can be derived from physical activity .

Physical activity determines the rate of metabolism , then the people who do more physical activity will burn more calories than a little physical activity .
The same thing is also spoken by a physician observer lifestyle and physiologists , Grace Judio - Kahl . He said , BMR is the energy required to sustain life such as body temperature , the lungs , heart rate , and other body systems . The number of calories needed for BMR is relatively fixed , but the extra calories for other activities that are different , depending on their physical activity .
"If little activity , less exercise , for example , needs just calories BMR plus 30 percent . While someone is actively engaged caloric needs can reach the BMR plus 40 to 50 percent , " said the owner of the Lighthouse clinic .
Grace explained , so that the body can burn more calories with optimal , then an increase in physical activity needs to be done . But other than that , in fact one can also increase BMR , ie by increasing the muscle mass of the body .
Muscular body , he explained, requires more energy so generally people with more muscle mass also have a higher BMR . " How can increase muscle mass with strength training or lifting weights , " he explained .

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