Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Modification of Physical Activity Effective Burn Calories

The setting of calories in and out to be important , especially in people who rarely moves or less physical activity or exercise much less physical exercise , calorie intake article continues in through food . If not followed by calories in calories out settings , problems began to emerge as overweight to obesity which lead to various diseases .

So how to effectively multiply the calories out ? " Modification of physical activity is an effective way to increase calories out , " said a health specialist , Andi Kurniawan of Indonesia Sport Medicine Centre told Reuters Health in an email .

Andi explained physical activity is any body movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles and produce energy expenditure and generate benefits for health are progressive .

Physical activity is different from sports or physical exercise . The definition of physical exercise is physical activity that is planned , structured and repetitive conducted with the purpose to maintain or improve one or more components of physical fitness .

Andi mentions some sport and physical activity to burn calories effectively , including :

* Runs quickly .
Walking at a speed of 6 km / h for one hour can burn calories by 280 calories .

* Cycling .
Cycling is a fun and gentle exercise suitable for those who are overweight because of the load on the knee is very minimal . Cycling as far as 10 to 12 miles per hour to burn calories as much as 256 calories .

* Gardening .
Gardening is a physical activity that can be done at home and cheap . Gardening for an hour can burn calories as much as 330 calories .

* Jump rope .
Jump rope is a type of physical activity that is liked by the children . Jumping rope for 10 minutes burns about 107 calories . Jump rope is also one effective exercise to burn body fat .

* Gymnastics / Aerobics
Doing aerobic exercise of moderate intensity for one hour can burn approximately 330 calories calories . High intensity aerobics , which are jumping movement can burn calories by 480 calories per hour .

* Dancing .
Doing fun dance moves and lots of benefits . In addition to making the body healthier , dancing is also a good and effective exercise to lose weight . Half an hour dancing can burn 100 to 400 calories depending on the type of dance .

* Jogging / running
Other sports are easy and inexpensive to run . Running at a speed of 8 km / hour can burn 590 calories per hour .

* Swim .
This exercise is also a very small risk of injury , both for individuals who have problems with joints . With a relaxing swim freestyle can burn 510 calories per hour .

So What sports / physical activity can burn calories ? Andi explained , during exercise , the body's muscles to contract and require energy . Energy was first adapted from sugar reserves and the food we eat . Once the sugar or food reserves are depleted , the body will use fat stores to be converted into energy . At that moment candangan fat will be reduced and converted into energy .

Although a number of sports and physical activity that burns a lot of calories . Do not be easily tempted by how many calories can be burned , and then you can imagine quickly lose weight . Should also note the condition of your body and do not force yourself to do some physical activity .

Ideally , said Andi , physical activity performed at least 30 minutes every day , and 5 five times in one week . Or physical activity for 150 minutes a week . Moderate intensity , such as brisk walking , cycling , swimming , and more .

However , he added , for those who have never done before physical exercise , 30 minutes of physical activity every day do not have to take place simultaneously in one time . Activity / exercise can be divided into 10 minutes in the morning , 10 minutes during the day and 10 minutes in the afternoon or evening .

" Doing physical exercise should be preceded by a warm-up and stretching to reduce the risk of injury . And to add to the health benefits plus the weight training , " he advised .

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