Wednesday, January 15, 2014

6 Facts Behind The Importance of Drinking Water Every Day

The habit of carrying a water bottle on the way or when they go to wherever it may yet become a habit for some people . When thirsty in the middle of the road , most of us would rather buy a bottle of soft drink flavored tea or soda or mineral water .
Body's need for fluids can not be denied . Important in maintaining fluid balance and metabolic processes . When fluid intake into the body is not balanced with spending , then certainly you will experience interference or dehydration .

In the fluid needs , you should choose a good drink and do not pose a risk to health . One of the best white water course is , despite the fact that the fluid behind the most popular flavored drinks and rich flavors on the market .

Well, so you do not underestimate the benefits of water, here are six scientific facts of how the habit of drinking enough water every day is important for the body .

1 . Maintain the body's water balance
Medical facts showed 60 percent of the human body is composed of fluids . The functions of this fluid is to the process of digestion , absorption , circulation , production of saliva , transportation of nutrients , and maintain body temperature .

2 . Control calories
Since long , people who are undergoing a diet program habit of drinking a lot of water as a weight loss strategy . Although water does not produce magical effects , using it as a substitute for high-calorie drinks will certainly be very helpful.

"Diet program will be successful if you choose water or non - caloric beverages instead of caloric beverages . Then a diet with foods rich in liquids , more healthful , contain and help you cut calories , " said researchers from the University State of Pennsylvania Barbara Rolls , PhD , author of The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan .

3 . Help generate muscle
The cells are not able to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance will be result in muscle fatigue . When the muscle cells do not have enough fluids , they will not function properly and abilities reduced.

Drinking water during exercise is also very important . American College of Sports Medicine recommends that two hours before exercising person should drink 17 ounces of fluid .

4 . Radiant skin
Your skin actually contain a lot of water and serves as a bulwark to prevent excess fluid loss . However , do not expect that excess liquid can be used as a powerful way to remove wrinkles from the skin line .

5 . Maintain kidney function
Body fluids is a medium that also transports scrap or waste to exit and enter the cell . The main toxins in the body is blood urea nitrogen , a kind of liquid that can pass through the kidney to be processed and excreted in the form of urine .

When the body has enough fluids , urine will flow freely, clear , and free of odor . When the body does not have enough fluids , urine concentration , color , and odor will be noticeable because the kidneys have to absorb the extra fluid to perform its functions . No wonder when you drink a little water , you run the risk of kidney stones will increase, especially in warm or hot climates .

6 . Maintain normal bowel function
Adequate fluid intake will make the food passes through the digestive tract can flow smoothly and prevent constipation . When you do not have enough fluids , bowel will absorb liquid from the feces or stool to maintain hydration . As a result , of course, your bowel movements will be problematic .

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